I have a RadChart control. I would like to draw some important values.
I fixed X Axis range 0-720, And Y Axis range 0-240. The AutoRange properties are false.
I collect the ItemsSource data from a device. I think when I get some data over ~144 point RadChart re-samples the YValues and chart draws wrong(or rounded) values for me. And re-sampling goes on while data come from my source. My Y axis values getting smaller !?
I use LineSeriesDefinition . I do not won't something like anti-aliasing, smoothing. Can it be a kind of chart issue ?
I can see that I have "161" value as maximum(peak) YValue for my source and see it first. But when new values come I can see all values moved under 150 . re-sampling done ??? Why my YValues getting smaller although my bound values still contains higher values such as 161.
And the xSource is the below values . (same values comes for 10 times)
Thanks in advance
I have a RadChart control. I would like to draw some important values.
I fixed X Axis range 0-720, And Y Axis range 0-240. The AutoRange properties are false.
I collect the ItemsSource data from a device. I think when I get some data over ~144 point RadChart re-samples the YValues and chart draws wrong(or rounded) values for me. And re-sampling goes on while data come from my source. My Y axis values getting smaller !?
I use LineSeriesDefinition . I do not won't something like anti-aliasing, smoothing. Can it be a kind of chart issue ?
I can see that I have "161" value as maximum(peak) YValue for my source and see it first. But when new values come I can see all values moved under 150 . re-sampling done ??? Why my YValues getting smaller although my bound values still contains higher values such as 161.
<telerik:RadChart x:Name="xRadChartECG1" Grid.Column="1" ItemsSource="{Binding xSource}"> <telerik:RadChart.DefaultView> <telerik:ChartDefaultView> <telerik:ChartDefaultView.ChartLegend> <telerik:ChartLegend Visibility="Collapsed" /> </telerik:ChartDefaultView.ChartLegend> <telerik:ChartDefaultView.ChartArea> <telerik:ChartArea EnableAnimations="False" LabelFormatBehavior="None" SmartLabelsEnabled="False" Background="White" > <telerik:ChartArea.AxisY> <telerik:AxisY AutoRange="False" MinValue="0" MaxValue="260" AxisLabelsVisibility="Visible" StripLinesVisibility="Hidden" MinorTicksVisibility="Visible" MajorTicksVisibility="Visible" Visibility="Visible" /> </telerik:ChartArea.AxisY> <telerik:ChartArea.AxisX > <telerik:AxisX IsDateTime="False" AxisLabelsVisibility="Visible" MajorTicksVisibility="Visible" Visibility="Visible" AutoRange="False" MinValue="0" MaxValue="720" /> </telerik:ChartArea.AxisX> <telerik:ChartArea.ZoomScrollSettingsX> <telerik:ZoomScrollSettings ScrollMode="None" /> </telerik:ChartArea.ZoomScrollSettingsX> </telerik:ChartArea> </telerik:ChartDefaultView.ChartArea> </telerik:ChartDefaultView> </telerik:RadChart.DefaultView> <telerik:RadChart.SeriesMappings> <telerik:SeriesMapping> <telerik:SeriesMapping.SeriesDefinition> <telerik:LineSeriesDefinition ShowPointMarks="False" ShowItemLabels="False"> <telerik:LineSeriesDefinition.Appearance> <telerik:SeriesAppearanceSettings Fill="Green" Foreground="Green" Stroke="Green" StrokeThickness="1" /> </telerik:LineSeriesDefinition.Appearance> </telerik:LineSeriesDefinition> </telerik:SeriesMapping.SeriesDefinition> <telerik:SeriesMapping.ItemMappings> <telerik:ItemMapping FieldName="YValue" DataPointMember="YValue" /> <telerik:ItemMapping FieldName="Index" DataPointMember="XValue" /> </telerik:SeriesMapping.ItemMappings> </telerik:SeriesMapping> </telerik:RadChart.SeriesMappings> </telerik:RadChart> </Grid>
And the xSource is the below values . (same values comes for 10 times)
128 |
124 |
119 |
118 |
118 |
118 |
119 |
119 |
119 |
119 |
119 |
119 |
119 |
120 |
120 |
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127 |
128 |
127 |
123 |
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118 |
131 |
157 |
161 |
121 |
114 |
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124 |
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132 |
Thanks in advance