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RadChart does not display/render when place in a ListBox or ItemsControl

6 Answers 122 Views
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Patrick Fletcher
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Rank 1
Patrick Fletcher asked on 12 Aug 2009, 06:57 PM
My RadChart does not display when place in a ItemsControl or a ListBox, when the RadChart is part of a DataTemplate that varies on DataType, no plots of my Datapoints are render.  Telerik, what's up with that, why can't RadChart render in a ItemsControl and/or ListBox?.

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Telerik team
answered on 13 Aug 2009, 01:47 PM
Hello Patrick Fletcher,

Unfortunately we are unable to reproduce the problematic behavior in our local tests. Please review the attached sample application that demonstrates our observations and let us know how we can observe the erroneous issue locally so we can investigate it further.

the Telerik team

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Patrick Fletcher
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answered on 13 Aug 2009, 05:57 PM
I am sorry, but what you did is much simpler than what I am trying to do.  Firstly, I am styling my ListBox using a style template.  Secondly, I am binding to a four level nested ObservableCollection.  Thirdly, I am using a PanelBar as the Master, and a ItemsControl/ListBox as the Detail for showing RadChart plots of DataPoints but the points are not being render even though the ListBoxItem ContentPresenter infact receives those datapoints.  I used the tool 'Mole' to debug and it clearly shows that the ListBoxItem receives the datapoints.  Fourthly, I am using no code-behind in the '.xaml.cs' file, as it should not be necessary.  The only code-behind that is used in '.xaml.cs' is in the constructor where I set the DataContext to the collection. Note,  I am using a random generator in the Subcomponent class to generate datapoints for the chart. 

When I click on a subcomponent under the gear or bearings category, I am expecting to see plots of datapoints appearing in radcharts in a ListBox.  For some reason(s), that is not happening.

1.  Collection Architecture:


public class AirMechViewModel


    private CategoryCollection subcomponentCategoryCollection;






    public AirMechViewModel()


        subcomponentCategoryCollection =

new CategoryCollection();





    public Window1 View { get; set; }



    public ObservableCollection<Category> MechanicalDiagnosticCategories


        get { return subcomponentCategoryCollection; }








class CategoryCollection : ObservableCollection<Category>





        public CategoryCollection()











        protected virtual ObservableCollection<SubcomponentItem> GearSubcomponentTemplateTables() 



               ObservableCollection<SubcomponentItem> gearSubcomponentTemplateTables = new 




new SubcomponentItem("Residual Kurtosis"));




new SubcomponentItem("Residual RMS"));




               return gearSubcomponentTemplateTables;





        protected virtual ObservableCollection<SubcomponentItem> BearingSubcomponentTemplateTables() 



                ObservableCollection<SubcomponentItem> bearingSubcomponentTemplateTables = new 




new SubcomponentItem("Envelope RMS"));




new SubcomponentItem("Envelope Inner Race Energy"));




               return bearingSubcomponentTemplateTables;






      private void Populate()




new Category("GEAR"));
                this[0].SubcomponentCollection.Add(new GearSubcomponent("Left Input Spiral Bevel Pinion 22T"
                                                                          GearSubcomponentTemplateTables(), subcomponentConstantsCollection));
                this[0].SubcomponentCollection.Add(new GearSubcomponent("Left Input Spiral Bevel Gear 80T"
                                                                          GearSubcomponentTemplateTables(), subcomponentConstantsCollection));
                Add(new Category("BEARINGS"));
                this[1].SubcomponentCollection.Add(new BearingSubcomponent("Fan Bearing", BearingSubcomponentTemplateTables());





                this[1].SubcomponentCollection.Add(new BearingSubcomponent("Hydraulic Pump 4 Preload"










class Category









        private ObservableCollection<Subcomponent> subcomponentCollection;




        public Category(string categoryName)




                subcomponentCollection =

new ObservableCollection<Subcomponent>();




               this.categoryName = categoryName;





        public ObservableCollection<Subcomponent> SubcomponentCollection 



                get { return subcomponentCollection; }




                set {subcomponentCollection = value;}




        public string CategoryName 



                get { return categoryName; }




                set {categoryName = value;}















class Subcomponent





        private ObservableCollection<SubcomponentItem> subcomponentItems;




        private String componentName;




        private String subcomponentName;







                subcomponentItems =

new ObservableCollection<SubcomponentItem>();



                subcomponentName =




                componentName = 











       public virtual ObservableCollection<SubcomponentItem> SubcomponentItems






                get { return subcomponentItems; }




                set {subcomponentItems = value;}





        public virtual String ComponentName 



                get { return componentName; }




                set {componentName = value;}





 virtual String SubcomponentName





                get { return this.subcomponentName; }




                set {this.subcomponentName = value;}








virtual void GetGraphDataPoints(String subcomponentName, ObservableCollection<SubcomponentItem






               this.subcomponentItems = subcomponentItems; 


               this.subcomponentName = subcomponentName;







               for (int index = 0; index < subcomponentItems.Count; index++) 










public class SubcomponentItem











        private ObservableCollection<DataPoint> conditionIndicatorDataPoints; // A list will also suffice





        private string chartName;








        public SubcomponentItem(string chartName) 



                this.chartName = chartName;




               this.conditionIndicatorDataPoints = new ObservableCollection<DataPoint>();









        public ObservableCollection<DataPoint> ConditionIndicatorDataPoints



                get { return conditionIndicatorDataPoints; }




                set {conditionIndicatorDataPoints = value;}





        public string ChartName 



                get { return chartName; }




                set {chartName = value;}






        public void InitiateDataPoints()



                Random rand = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);




                for (int index = 0; index < 6; index++)





                       conditionIndicatorDataPoints.Add(new DataPoint(Math.Round(rand.NextDouble() * 10, 2)));









class DataPoint









        private double yPlotPoint;




        public DataPoint()




                yPlotPoint = 0.0;






DataPoint(double plotPoint)






                this.yPlotPoint = plotPoint;








double YPlotPoint



                get { return yPlotPoint; }






2.  Data Types for Collection:






class GearSubcomponent: Subcomponent












        public GearSubcomponent()





        public GearSubcomponent(string subcomponentName, ObservableCollection<SubcomponentItem> subcomponentItems)



                GetGraphDataPoints(subcomponentName, subcomponentItems);









public class BearingSubcomponent: Subcomponent
















        public BearingSubcomponent()





        public BearingSubcomponent(string subcomponentName, ObservableCollection<SubcomponentItem> subcomponentItems)



                GetGraphDataPoints(subcomponentName, subcomponentItems);













3.  Template for the PanelBar:





<HierarchicalDataTemplate x:Key="radPanelBarHierarchicalDataDataTemplate" ItemsSource="{Binding SubcomponentCollection}">





        <Border Margin="3" BorderThickness="1" BorderBrush="Transparent" CornerRadius="4">





                <Grid Margin="2">










                                <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>





                                <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>










                        <TextBlock Grid.Column="1" FontWeight="Bold" Text="{Binding Path=CategoryName}" />

























                        <TextBlock Grid.Row="1" FontWeight="Bold" Text="{Binding Path=SubcomponentName}"/>
















4.  DataTemplates for ListBox:




DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type modl:BearingSubcomponent}">









        <Grid >









                <telerik:RadChart x:Name="bearing" Width="299" Height="299" ItemsSource="{Binding ConditionIndicatorDataPoints}">




































                                                  <telerik:ChartTitle Content="{Binding Path=ChartName}" />



























                                                  <telerik:ChartLegend Header="BEARING"/>



























                                                    <telerik:ChartArea >


















                                                                   <telerik:AxisY Title="GDF"/>



























                                                                   <telerik:AxisX Title="OPTIME"/>

















































































                                                    <telerik:LineSeriesDefinition />



























                                                    <telerik:ItemMapping DataPointMember="YValue" FieldName="YPlotPoint" />




























































5.  Style for ListBox:





Style x:Key="conditionIndicatorItemControlTemplate" TargetType="{x:Type ListBox}">





        <Setter Property="IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem" Value="True" />





        <Setter Property="Template">





        <Setter Property="ItemsPanel">



































6.   Content of my 'Window1.xaml file':














                <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>





                <RowDefinition Height="*"/>










        <TextBlock Grid.Row="0" Text="TITLE BAR" Background="#FFBDB7A9"/>





        <Grid Grid.Row="1">










                            <ColumnDefinition Width="0.7*"/>





                            <ColumnDefinition Width="3*"/>










                   <telerik:RadPanelBar x:Name="subcomponentCategories" Grid.Column="0" 
="1" BorderBrush="#9098A3" Background="#FFBDB7A9"





                                                     ItemsSource="{Binding Path=MechanicalDiagnosticCategories}"





                                                     ItemTemplate="{StaticResource radPanelBarHierarchicalDataDataTemplate}">















                    <Grid Grid.Column="1" >










                                    <ListBox x:Name="conditionIndicatorItemControl"






























                                                   Style="{DynamicResource conditionIndicatorItemControlTemplate}"





                                                   ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=subcomponentCategories, Path=SelectedItem.SubcomponentItems}"











































7.  The content of my 'Window1.xaml.cs' file:










public partial class Window1 : Window









        public Window1()






 DataContext = new AirMechViewModel();






Telerik team
answered on 18 Aug 2009, 04:20 PM
Hi Patrick Fletcher,

Unfortunately we were unable to compile the pasted code locally. Either the formatting coruppted the snippets or some parts are missing in the first place but we are getting errors about missing template for the ListBox in XAML, and in code --  "The name 'subcomponentConstantsCollection' does not exist in the current context", "The name 'current' does not exist in the current context".

We would ask you to open a formal support ticket and send us a runnable version of your application (file attachments are not allowed in the public forums) so we can advise you properly how to proceed. We apologize for the additional roundtrip necessary to resolve this issue.

All the best,
the Telerik team

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Patrick Fletcher
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Rank 1
answered on 18 Aug 2009, 05:40 PM
I am sorry, but I can not send you the source code of my company product.  I outline to you the structure of the collection, and send you the part of the code that is causing a problem.  I also outline to you what that problem is.  it is up to you to create a collection with the same structure I sent you and the same property names, and to create the necessary '.xaml' and '.xaml.cs'  file and copy and paste the xaml code I sent you in the xaml file, and the one line of datacontext code I sent you in the constructor of the '.xaml.cs' file associate with the xaml file. You also need to include all namespace and assembly references.  To replicate this problem requires that you pay attention and not only copy things verbatim,  I am not here to teach you WPF.   The WPF RadControl help information that is offer on your website and/or 'CHM' file is very terse and is of no help and use to us here at Sikorsky.  We at Sikorsky would like a solution to this problem and the sooner the better.
Telerik team
answered on 19 Aug 2009, 08:47 AM
Hi Patrick Fletcher,

We are sorry for the misunderstanding -- it seemed you provided the source code in order to replicate exactly the scenario you are working on (as our original sample application did not help in resolving the issue) and that is why we asked if you could provide us with a runnable version of the same code.

Nevertheless, on further testing we were able to reproduce the problem in our local tests as well and unfortunately we must confirm it is a bug within the chart control. Unfortunately we cannot suggest you a workaround at the moment but we have discussed this issue with our developers and it will be fixed for the weekly internal build scheduled for Friday.

We are sorry for the temporary inconvenience. We have also updated your Telerik points for the report.

the Telerik team

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Patrick Fletcher
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Rank 1
answered on 24 Aug 2009, 05:15 PM
We here at Sikorsky would like to take the time to thank Telerik for its serious and professional response in putting in a bug fix in its latest internal build, 821, that allows us here at Sikorsky to move our development forward again.  Thank you!
Asked by
Patrick Fletcher
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Answers by
Telerik team
Patrick Fletcher
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