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QuickAccessToolbar Below the ribbon

1 Answer 106 Views
RibbonView and RibbonWindow
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
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Guru asked on 20 Jul 2011, 10:56 PM
If you move the quick access bar below the ribbon the text "Show below the ribbon." becomes blank.
It also happens in each of your WPF demo ribbonview applications.
At least it does on my machine (windows 7 32bit).

Attached is an image of it happening in your demo.

Please let me know if there is a patch or a way I can override it in code-behind c#.

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Viktor Tsvetkov
Telerik team
answered on 21 Jul 2011, 11:42 AM
Hi Zack,

This problem is already resolved and the fix will be included in the internal build next week. Please accept our apologies for the caused inconvenience.

Viktor Tsvetkov
the Telerik team

Register for the Q2 2011 What's New Webinar Week. Mark your calendar for the week starting July 18th and book your seat for a walk through of all the exciting stuff we will ship with the new release!

RibbonView and RibbonWindow
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Viktor Tsvetkov
Telerik team
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