On page 25, section 1.6 "Before You Begin..." of the training guide states to add the above statement to a project file. Where exactly do I add that? I opened the code behind file and this is what I did:
Partial Class _Default
On page 25, section 1.6 "Before You Begin..." of the training guide states to add the above statement to a project file. Where exactly do I add that? I opened the code behind file and this is what I did:
Partial Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Imports Telerik.Web.UI
End Class
However, "Imports" has a crinkled underline beneath it with a message saying: "Import statements must precede any declarations". I've moved the "Imports Telerik.Web.UI" above the "Inherits" statement and above the Partial Class line, however I still get the crinkled underlines. Where exactly do I put the "Imports Telerik.Web.UI" in the Default.aspx.vb file?