i just upgraded to the Q3 that was out a few days ago.
I can't get my code that binds the reports to the data source to work.
The following works fine:
public PatientReport()
/// <summary>
/// Required for telerik Reporting designer support
/// </summary>
// TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call
// TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'pCGProduction211009DataSet.PCGProduction211009DataSetTable' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
catch (System.Exception ex)
// An error has occurred while filling the data set. Please check the exception for more information.
but when i try to bind through the NeedDataSource event with the following code:
/// <summary>
/// Required for telerik Reporting designer support
/// </summary>
DataSource =
private PCGProduction211009DataSet.patientDataTable GetData()
using (patientTableAdapter adapter = new patientTableAdapter())
var data = adapter.GetData();
return data;
i get an error when the report runs as you can see in the file attached. This code does work with Q2.
What has gone wrong?
12 Answers, 1 is accepted
We deeply apologize for introducing this problem in the new release. We managed to locate the issue and fix it. In order to help you continue your work, we have uploaded a new build (NOTE: with the same version numer), which fixes the problem. Please, download it from your Client.net account and let us know how it goes.
All the best,
the Telerik team
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I have found some other problem, but I'll post that under a new post with a different subject.

The previous file I downloaded was 2009_3_1103. The new is 2009_3_1104

Hi all,
I have a similar problem.
I have a report, getting an object of type Quotation (my own class). It's set to the reports datasource as below:
public OrderConfirmationFrame(Quotation qt) |
{ |
/// <summary> |
/// Required for telerik Reporting designer support |
/// </summary> |
InitializeComponent(); |
this.DataSource = qt; |
} |
On my report I set a textboxs value to =Fields.Salesman.Fullname
Salesman is an object on Quotation, and Fullname is a string property on Salesman.
When I debug, my object contains data, but the report breaks. It worked perfectly on Q2.
Is this the same bug? I'm running on 1104!
Looking forward to hear from somebody.
Kind regards,
Morten, Denmark
Last week we released a new internal build for Telerik Reporting which addresses several important issues, including the "The expression contains object 'Item' that is not defined in the current context." error when binding to an list/array of objects. Check the Release Notes and get the latest internal build from the Latest Internal Builds area (log in required).
Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team
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I just don't understand why you haven't updated the default installer.
I believe many people will have this problem.
Kind Regards,
Morten :)

Morten :)


The issue has been addressed in the Q3 SP1 release and you should look for the reason in your code/expressions if you're still having problems. You can review our ListBound demo report for example on how to bind to business object. The following forum thread should point you in the right direction as well.
Best wishes,
the Telerik team
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