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Q1 2010 Fails install

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Donald Hamm
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Donald Hamm asked on 23 Mar 2010, 11:53 AM
When installing the latest release I get a 'failed to connect' error (attached).  I have sql 2008 installed.  I've disabled express and have chosen '(local)' as the option.  It gets to the point of 'Executing SQL Scripts' and @ that point fails. All permissions are correct for account, SQL is running (I verifyed using Management Studio), Q3 2009 installed just last week (with no issues). 

Anything I can check?

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answered on 23 Mar 2010, 12:03 PM
If you don't need samples, just uncheck them into the installer and it won't try to connect to your database.
Donald Hamm
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Rank 1
answered on 23 Mar 2010, 02:18 PM
Thanks Colin you are right and that is what I did, -- I only wanted the examples so I could see what changed.  Since they are online, its ok.  BUT, the fact the install failed and gave me a rather 'terse' error message still needs a resolution...

Thanks for the quick response!
Telerik team
answered on 24 Mar 2010, 06:21 PM
Hi Donald,

Sorry to say, but we're not sure how to further help you. The error is self explanatory - for some reason the installation cannot proceed due to unsuccessful connection to the SQL Server.

Please verify:

  1. That the SQL Server is running - the installer looks for the SQL Server Browser, so if this process is not started, you should start it.
  2. Your windows account have correct privileges to login to the SQL Server
  3. Check the the SQL Server role of the account - should be with distinct rights to create/modify databases
  4. That your account is db_owner of the AdwentureWorks database
Also as Colin said, if you do not need the demo reports locally, you can always deselect them and the installer would not try to connect to your database.

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Donald Hamm
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Donald Hamm
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Telerik team
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