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Property SizeToContent in RadPane

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Gregory asked on 16 Jun 2014, 04:26 PM
I would like implement RadDocking to Mainboard Panel - example in file: "Przyklad_do_RadDocking.png". But I don't know how I can set property SizeToContent to RadPane. In next step I want add VerticalScrollBar to RadDocking. But I think RadDocking always have only 100% visible size.

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answered on 17 Jun 2014, 02:15 PM
Hi Gregory,

In the current version of RadDocking setting the Width/Height properties of any RadPaneGroup/RadPane is not supported. We have a logged feature request for such functionality in our feedback portal. The RadDocking control as any dock manager automatically stretches its contents (groups, panes) in order to fully occupy the available space. In the attached screenshot it seems there is no DocumetnHost in the layout. In that case you can take advantage of the RelativeSize's of the ProportionalStackPanel in order to achieve a very similar layout.

Placing RadDocking inside a ScrollViewer in order to have scrollbars or any other container which measures its Width/Height with infinity is not supported. In those cases a NotSupportedException will be thrown. If avoinding such container for the RadDocking is not possible you can set the AllowUnsafeMode property of the control to true in order to suppress the mentioned exception. Note that as the name of the property says this is an unsafe way of using the RadDocking control and there could be some unexpected behaviors which are unavoidable.

The next code snippet shows an example of how the shown in the screenshot layout could be achieved with RelativeSizes, hope this is helpful:
<telerik:RadDocking HasDocumentHost="False">
        <telerik:RadSplitContainer Orientation="Vertical" telerik:ProportionalStackPanel.RelativeSize="50, 100">
            <telerik:RadSplitContainer telerik:ProportionalStackPanel.RelativeSize="100, 20">
                    <telerik:RadPane Header="Device Information: Height 20%">
                        Place holder for Device Information
            <telerik:RadSplitContainer telerik:ProportionalStackPanel.RelativeSize="100, 30">
                    <telerik:RadPane Header="System Status: Height 30%">
                        Place holder for System Status
            <telerik:RadSplitContainer telerik:ProportionalStackPanel.RelativeSize="100, 50">
                    <telerik:RadPane Header="System Resources: Height 50%">
                        Place holder for System Resources
        <telerik:RadSplitContainer telerik:ProportionalStackPanel.RelativeSize="50, 100"
            <telerik:RadSplitContainer telerik:ProportionalStackPanel.RelativeSize="100, 40">
                    <telerik:RadPane Header="Secured Service Status: Height 40%">
                        Place holder for Secured Service Status
            <telerik:RadSplitContainer telerik:ProportionalStackPanel.RelativeSize="100, 40">
                    <telerik:RadPane Header="Content Filter Statistics: Height 40%">
                        Place holder for Content Filter Statistics
            <telerik:RadSplitContainer telerik:ProportionalStackPanel.RelativeSize="100, 20">
                    <telerik:RadPane Header="Top 5 Voruses: Height 20%">
                        Place holder for Top 5 Voruses

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