I have created Dataset1.xsd class in my ClassLibrary project. Now after creating new Telerik Report, while in Report Wizard, I do not see my dataset under Project Data Source list.
Please advise.
Krunal Doshi
1 Answer, 1 is accepted
Telerik team
answered on 04 May 2010, 06:44 PM
Hello Krunal Doshi,
As of Q1 2010 version of Telerik Reporting the Data Source components are the recommended way to connect a report to data; for backwards compatibility you can still connect a DataSet or DataTable but they are converted internally for you to the ObjectDataSource Component and you should use it to bind to a dataset (see How to: Bind to a DataSet). It is also important to know that typed data sets or adapters are a special case of business objects and as such can be treated in the same way. Furthermore the Object Data Source gives you the ability to specify data source parameters and thus call methods with arguments which can facilitate data retrieval.
All the best,
the Telerik team
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