Followed the advice form this link below but still no luck
Telerik.Reporting.SubReport mySubReport = (Telerik.Reporting.SubReport)oReport.Items.Find("MySubReport", true)[0];
//*** This is working
// this code block loads the data in sub report in this case if i set the subreport as an object Instance
var repSource = (InstanceReportSource)mySubReport.ReportSource;
var subreport = (Telerik.Reporting.Report)repSource.ReportDocument;
var odsItems = (Telerik.Reporting.ObjectDataSource)subreport.DataSource;
subreport.DataSource = objectDataSource;
//*** End
//*** This is not working
// this code block doesn't load the data in sub report in this case if i set the subreport as an XML Source (serialized report using ReportXmlSerializer)
var repSource = (XmlReportSource)kpiActionsSubReport.ReportSource;
Report subreport = TelerikReportHelper.DeSerilizeTelerikReportXML(XElement.Parse(repSource.Xml)); //(deserialized report using ReportXmlSerializer)
subreport.DataSource = objectDataSource;
//*** End