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problems with SVC and IIS

3 Answers 68 Views
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Ulrich Fiege
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Ulrich Fiege asked on 12 May 2010, 07:30 AM
hello, i have made a simple project like in the video to test and start with telerik reporting in silverlight.
The problem is that the reportservice.svc is not running or can not accesed when its hosted in IIS.
On local machine the project runs correctly including the svc file. I checked webconfig and all other
relevant thinks but i didn't found a difference. On IIS i get a inner exception error 500 and the report
dosn't start. I searched also here or in help but i don't found a solution. How can i slove this issue ..
Also when i set a theme to reportviewer i get a xml runtime error. I installed latest internal build from
radcontrols and report (SL3).

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Telerik team
answered on 17 May 2010, 02:40 PM
Hi Ulrich Fiege,

The xml error when changing themes was a known issue that is fixed in the latest internal builds of both products (Telerik Reporting and RadControls for Silverlight). You would need to download both Telerik RadControls for Silverlight and Telerik Reporting latest internal builds and make sure that you reference and build against the latest assemblies. Also make sure that your browser cache is cleared and you're running the correct version of your Silverlight application.
As for the other problem - can you verify whether you can render a very basic report with static data at all? If not, please check whether the report viewer points to the Telerik Reporting service. You can easily identify that by accessing your service by pasting its URL in the browser address bar.
The following articles should help you:

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Ulrich Fiege
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Rank 1
answered on 18 May 2010, 07:27 AM
thank you for your answer. i have now running the service under iis. one problem is not
fixable. i use the latest internal builds (SL3) but when i set theme office_blue or something else i get
a xml exception that the combobox of the viewer is read only.
Telerik team
answered on 18 May 2010, 03:59 PM
Hi Ulrich Fiege,

We believe that this problem has already been taken care of - take a look at the following forum thread: "RadComboBox.SelectionBoxItemTemplate is read only" error in Silverlight viewer.
Please double check that you are indeed using the latest versions. Btw is there a reason why you're not using the official Q1 SP1 release, but instead the internal builds (that as the disclaimer states are not extensively tested and not recommended for production environment?

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Ulrich Fiege
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Telerik team
Ulrich Fiege
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