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problems with reports localization

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Jose Viana
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Jose Viana asked on 18 Feb 2010, 05:20 PM


I need help, please.

I use a classlibrary to store the reports, and I have a web site to call the reports from classlibrary. I have several RESX files in my classlibrary (see classlibrary from attached files), one for each languaje. 

In my web site I have a reportviewer to link each report from classlibrary (see reportviewer from attached files).

To link each report I have this code in my default.aspx.cs:

  Report1 a = new Report1();
  ReportViewer1.Report = a;

I would like translate, for example, all my textboxes with the correct languaje depending on culture (see report1code from attached files).

I saw the help from (, but it isn't enough, if I could see a similar example...

I have SQL server 2008, Visual Studio 2008, telerik reporting Q3 2009 (the trial version).

Could someone help me?.

Thank you.

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Telerik team
answered on 19 Feb 2010, 05:09 PM
Hi Jose Viana,

The article you've referenced is for localizing the report viewer and not the report, which from what I read and see from the screenshots is what you're after.
We are using the standard .NET mechanism for localization and there are no specifics of the localization for Telerik Reports. You can gain more information on localizing the report from the following help article: Localizing Reports.

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Jose Viana
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