Hi, while recently my company has officially bought software from you and, thus, I suppose has a support agreement, I want to post this to a general forum. Here are the issues I encountered with GridControl:
1) Select a cell in the grid, then select an entire row and then do any Ctrl+ / Shift+ command. This causes the selection to switch to one column selection only, which spans the old cell and the newly selected row in one way or another. Also the grid loses focus. I suppose that we could catch key presses and deal with them as we wish, but this default behaviour seems very strange.
2) Cut functionality (Ctrl-X) seems to not copy anything onto the clipboard. Shouldn't Cut behave exactly the same way as Copy (except that Cut removes cells contents and Copy does not)?
3) Adding new row functionality. If you double-click on the corner cell (on the cell with the "+" sign, located to the left of the "Click here to add new item" label), the grid contents disappears completely. Then you click a number of times on that "+" cell. Then you click out of it (anywhere on any blank cell). Then you see that you get N empty rows, where N is the number of clicks you did altogether. This seems to have been intended, however, I personally think it is very confusing. Is there a way to disable this behaviour?
4) This, I believe, is a genuine bug in the control! When you Copy over the hidden cells and then Paste, you can control the Paste behaviour using SkipHiddenColumns attribute. However, if you copy cells spanning hidden cells using Ctrl key (i.e. you are copying individual cells rather than a subsequent region of cells), Paste does something very weird: it adds empty hidden cells to the selection.
Here is an example of what I mean:
- grid
columns A B C D
values-row1 1 2 3 4
values-row2 5 6 7 8
- column B is hidden
Scenario 1:
- copy 1 and 3 as a subsequent region of cells (it would be subsequent, since column B is hidden)
- paste into the beginning of row2
- if SkipHiddenColumns=false,1 and 3 are pasted instead of 5 and 6
- if SkipHiddenColumns=true,1 and 3 are pasted instead of 5 and 7
Scenario 2:
- copy 1 and 3 as two separate cells using Ctrl keyboard key
- paste into the beginning of row2
- if SkipHiddenColumns=false,1 and 3 are pasted instead of 5 and 7 (WHY???)
- if SkipHiddenColumns=true,1 and 3 are pasted instead of 5 and 8 (WHY???) -- this is the worst!