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Problems load information in Month

1 Answer 48 Views
Scheduler and Reminder
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Elver Emilio Cano Cardona
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Elver Emilio Cano Cardona asked on 05 Dec 2011, 05:19 PM
Good morning.

i am working with the schedule and i am doing the next scenario.
i am making schedule from 8 am until 8pm with interval of five minuts between 8am - 8pm then the count the schedule are 144 more or less
and in the week are 864 but when i made click  in the button week in the control RadSchedulerNavigator and this control no show the information schedule just show the week but empty.. but when i change the next property of this control
(this.schScheduler.ActiveView as SchedulerDayViewBase).RangeFactor and put the value ScaleRange in five minuts the control is able to show the infomation but the problem is that is need a lot time to load de information more or less 6-7 minutos take much show the information, let me know what i can do.. to show the information in the week..or there other posibility
thanks for your help.
Elver Emilio

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Ivan Todorov
Telerik team
answered on 06 Dec 2011, 03:59 PM
Hello Elver Emilio Cano Cardona,

Thank you for writing.

You are using lots of appointments and that will surely decrease the performance. However, I am not able to observe that big loading time (6-7 minutes). In general, you can use the BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods of the Appointments collection of RadScheduler if you are making lots of updates at a time. However, I am not sure if this will fit in your case. Therefore, I would kindly ask you to either open a new support ticket and send us a sample project which demonstrates your scenario, or post your code here on the forums. This will let me investigate your case and provide you with more a concrete answer.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,
Ivan Todorov
the Telerik team

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Scheduler and Reminder
Asked by
Elver Emilio Cano Cardona
Top achievements
Rank 1
Answers by
Ivan Todorov
Telerik team
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