I want to display data on table by use table control (on header section). My table (only) has two rows, one for title and one for data item.
Row for data item has value like: = Fields.CustomerName . And as a result, data didn't display on table's row. How can i display ?
I don't use datasource for table because i don't want the table automatically create a raw. My goal is use a table with two row to display a tittle and one row data.
Why i put "= Fields.CustomerName" on value field. Table didn't display data ?
I want to display data on table by use table control (on header section). My table (only) has two rows, one for title and one for data item.
Row for data item has value like: = Fields.CustomerName . And as a result, data didn't display on table's row. How can i display ?
I don't use datasource for table because i don't want the table automatically create a raw. My goal is use a table with two row to display a tittle and one row data.
Why i put "= Fields.CustomerName" on value field. Table didn't display data ?