Problem description: the "Roboto" TTF font in the exported PDF (in the Telerik Reporting REST Service on the Azure web app) is replaced by another font.
General Information:
- Environment: Windows 10 (development), Azure web app (publish)
- Telerik Reporting version
- Report designer: Visual Studio 2015
- Project types: Class library (report dll) and Telerik Reporting REST Service
- Font families: Roboto and RobotoSlab (trye type fonts)
Unsuccessfully solution:
I tried to solve this problem using solution specified in the "privateFonts Element" article.
I placed the following XML into the <configuration> tag of the Web.config file but receive the: "HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error"
<add fontFamily="Roboto" path="D:\home\site\wwwroot\webrep\fonts\Roboto-Regular.ttf" />
<add fontFamily="RobotoSlab" path="D:\home\site\wwwroot\webrep\fonts\RobotoSlab-Regular.ttf" />
General Information:
- Environment: Windows 10 (development), Azure web app (publish)
- Telerik Reporting version
- Report designer: Visual Studio 2015
- Project types: Class library (report dll) and Telerik Reporting REST Service
- Font families: Roboto and RobotoSlab (trye type fonts)
Unsuccessfully solution:
I tried to solve this problem using solution specified in the "privateFonts Element" article.
I placed the following XML into the <configuration> tag of the Web.config file but receive the: "HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error"
<add fontFamily="Roboto" path="D:\home\site\wwwroot\webrep\fonts\Roboto-Regular.ttf" />
<add fontFamily="RobotoSlab" path="D:\home\site\wwwroot\webrep\fonts\RobotoSlab-Regular.ttf" />