I have an issue with embedded elements that each have borders. Please look at the attached picture (from rendered PDF).
I have parent container with gray border of 0.02 pt. It is applied via style sheet. Inside of it, a list is placed and lists's panel has black border of 0.2 pt (it is also applied via style sheet).
Also, this panel has two binding expressions:
1) To setup color of left border
2) To setup color of right border
So I set these two borders dinamically either to Black or to whatever background color the element has (it's made to simulate absence of border). In attached example, binding expression says that border should be black, and it is. But I still see gray line between two elements!
And because panel has thicker border than the parent container, it follows that container's border has higher priority than children's ones.
Question: How to override this behaviour (i.e. black border should be displayed on top of gray border)?
I have an issue with embedded elements that each have borders. Please look at the attached picture (from rendered PDF).
I have parent container with gray border of 0.02 pt. It is applied via style sheet. Inside of it, a list is placed and lists's panel has black border of 0.2 pt (it is also applied via style sheet).
Also, this panel has two binding expressions:
1) To setup color of left border
2) To setup color of right border
So I set these two borders dinamically either to Black or to whatever background color the element has (it's made to simulate absence of border). In attached example, binding expression says that border should be black, and it is. But I still see gray line between two elements!
And because panel has thicker border than the parent container, it follows that container's border has higher priority than children's ones.
Question: How to override this behaviour (i.e. black border should be displayed on top of gray border)?