can any one help me, in my project i created two reports and placed one report as sub report in another one,by following
"Creating Master-Detail Reports Using SubReports " section provided in telerik reporting help.My main problem is when i look that report preview in report viewer it is rendering in correct format that is master report items and its related subreport items,But when i am trying to Export it into PDF format master report items are coming in one page and detail report items are in another page.
thanks in advance ,
can any one help me, in my project i created two reports and placed one report as sub report in another one,by following
"Creating Master-Detail Reports Using SubReports " section provided in telerik reporting help.My main problem is when i look that report preview in report viewer it is rendering in correct format that is master report items and its related subreport items,But when i am trying to Export it into PDF format master report items are coming in one page and detail report items are in another page.
thanks in advance ,
5 Answers, 1 is accepted
Hi ganapathi,
HTML rendering extension is used when the report is shown in the web report viewer, which has no concept of physical page and sections are kept together. On the other hand, PDF format is page oriented and if there is not enough space to fit all subreport data, it is moved to next page (if it fits there). You can alter the KeepTogether properties of the detail section and subreport item to false and see if this way the subreport data would be partly rendered on the first page with the master data.
Different formats' peculiarities and limitations are described in Design Considerations for Report Rendering help section.
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HTML rendering extension is used when the report is shown in the web report viewer, which has no concept of physical page and sections are kept together. On the other hand, PDF format is page oriented and if there is not enough space to fit all subreport data, it is moved to next page (if it fits there). You can alter the KeepTogether properties of the detail section and subreport item to false and see if this way the subreport data would be partly rendered on the first page with the master data.
Different formats' peculiarities and limitations are described in Design Considerations for Report Rendering help section.
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answered on 08 Jan 2010, 03:26 AM
I'm encountering the same problem when I'm trying to print a master-detail report. It is not an issue with the amount of space on one page, the master data table is printing with blank space where the detail rows should be, and the detailed rows are coming out on a different page (with blank space where the master rows would normally be).
This looks like a bug.
This looks like a bug.
Hello Michael,
We've already explained the reason for such behavior. To see which items are causing the problem, simply change their background to a different, more contrasting color and run the report in the WinForms viewer or export it to PDF. The rendered report will immediately give you a clue about the items which are at fault (i.e. cause the report to data to be carried over). We would advise creating the items so that they do not touch other items, section ends, etc., because the processing engine might produce unexpected results. Always leave a little space (a couple of pixels/points) around report items to prevent unexpected behavior.
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We've already explained the reason for such behavior. To see which items are causing the problem, simply change their background to a different, more contrasting color and run the report in the WinForms viewer or export it to PDF. The rendered report will immediately give you a clue about the items which are at fault (i.e. cause the report to data to be carried over). We would advise creating the items so that they do not touch other items, section ends, etc., because the processing engine might produce unexpected results. Always leave a little space (a couple of pixels/points) around report items to prevent unexpected behavior.
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answered on 11 Jan 2010, 02:17 PM
I am not following what you mean about leaving space and not touching. I have attached three files:
1) screenshot of report viewer rendering
2) PDF rendering of same report (page 1)
3) PDF rendering of same report (page 2)
Why is this not considered a bug, if the two renderings don't match?
I am not following what you mean about leaving space and not touching. I have attached three files:
1) screenshot of report viewer rendering
2) PDF rendering of same report (page 1)
3) PDF rendering of same report (page 2)
Why is this not considered a bug, if the two renderings don't match?
Hello Michael,
Thank you for the provided screenshots. After reviewing them carefully it would seem that the problem in your case is that the width of your detail report (the report itself and not the subreport item) is bigger than the master report's width. If it is not then check that the subreport item's X Location is 0, as otherwise it would stretch outside of the main report and get the same problem. The easiest way to verify that this is indeed the culprit is to increase the Page width from the PageSettings and see if the problem goes away.
You can also play around with the KeepTogether property of the subreport item and the main report detail section to see if that would make a difference.
If you are still having problems, it would be best to open a support ticket and attach a runnable sample for us to review. Once we do we would be able to provide more info on the matter.
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Thank you for the provided screenshots. After reviewing them carefully it would seem that the problem in your case is that the width of your detail report (the report itself and not the subreport item) is bigger than the master report's width. If it is not then check that the subreport item's X Location is 0, as otherwise it would stretch outside of the main report and get the same problem. The easiest way to verify that this is indeed the culprit is to increase the Page width from the PageSettings and see if the problem goes away.
You can also play around with the KeepTogether property of the subreport item and the main report detail section to see if that would make a difference.
If you are still having problems, it would be best to open a support ticket and attach a runnable sample for us to review. Once we do we would be able to provide more info on the matter.
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