I have a MEF Prism region defined in a RadPane. As long as the pane is docked in the DocumentHost, everything works correctly. However, if I pull the pane out of the host so that it is floating outside of the main application, Prism navigation does not work when I call RegionManager.RequestNavigate. I then drag the pane back into the host, and navigation starts working, again. Is there any known reason why navigation would work in one state but not the other? Is there a work around? I am running Telerik 2014 Q1.
<telerik:RadPane Header="Document Viewer" Name="ChartViewerPane"
<ContentControl regions:RegionManager.RegionName="{x:Static inf:RegionNames.MyRegionName}"></ContentControl>
I tried following the directions in this blog post, but nothing changed once I added the code to my solution.
<telerik:RadPane Header="Document Viewer" Name="ChartViewerPane"
<ContentControl regions:RegionManager.RegionName="{x:Static inf:RegionNames.MyRegionName}"></ContentControl>
I tried following the directions in this blog post, but nothing changed once I added the code to my solution.