Hi ,Every one
I am doing one project .My requirement is when i click custom button than report is printing with out open report .i worte this code .It's working develop system.But it's not working on server and other system.How to print report in custom button click event .
this is my code How to find this please give me any example
if (e.CommandName == "Print") |
{ |
int? fee_receipt_id = int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); |
int? status_code = null; |
int? call_user_id = LogonDetails.Instance.sys_lclvar_user_id; |
int? call_screen_id = GetScreenId(); |
int? session_id = LogonDetails.Instance.sys_lclvar_session_id; |
string call_ip_address = CommonMethods.CurrentIP; |
bool? audit_report_execution = LogonDetails.Instance.sys_lclvar_audit_user_action; |
bool? audit_user_action = LogonDetails.Instance.sys_lclvar_audit_user_action; |
string status_text = String.Empty; |
var printdata = ReportsManager.get_report_fee_receipt( |
fee_receipt_id, call_screen_id, call_user_id, session_id, call_ip_address, audit_user_action, audit_report_execution, ref status_code, ref status_text); |
if ((!status_code.HasValue) || (status_code.Value != 0)) |
{ |
DisplayMessage(false, status_text); |
return; |
} |
string strTitle = LogonDetails.Instance.sys_lclvar_facility_name; |
var report = new TelerikComponentsWS.Reports.RepFeeReceipt(); |
report.DataSource = printdata; |
Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.ExternalStyleSheet exx = new Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.ExternalStyleSheet("~\\css\\ReprotStyleSheet.xml"); |
report.ExternalStyleSheets.Add(exx); |
report.ReportParameters[0].Value = strTitle; |
using (System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog printDlg = new System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog()) |
{ |
printDlg.AllowSomePages = true; |
printDlg.AllowCurrentPage = false; |
printDlg.UseEXDialog = true; |
if (System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK == printDlg.ShowDialog()) |
{ |
Telerik.Reporting.Processing.ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new Telerik.Reporting.Processing.ReportProcessor(); |
reportProcessor.PrintReport(report, printDlg.PrinterSettings); |
} |
} |
////Telerik.Reporting.Processing |
//System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings printerSettings = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings(); |
//// Adjust the printer settings if necessary... |
//System.Drawing.Printing.PrintController standardPrintController = new System.Drawing.Printing.StandardPrintController(); |
//printerSettings.PrinterName = "MyHomePrinter"; |
//// Print the report using the printer settings. |
//Telerik.Reporting.Processing.ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new Telerik.Reporting.Processing.ReportProcessor(); |
//reportProcessor.PrintController = standardPrintController; |
//reportProcessor.PrintReport(report, printerSettings); |
} |
thanks and regards