I have a requirement to create reports which string together full details of items (accommodation in this case). Here is an example of the content: http://www.housingcare.org/downloads/facilities/generated-brochures/15763-oak-lodge-sutton-england.pdf
i.e. So a report would contain maybe 10 of these, so somethign similar to this http://demos.telerik.com/reporting/product-catalog/demo.aspx.
The one important factor is that the amount of content per item will vary considerably, making the height of each item variable.
Now the crucial point here is layout, and how many items fit per page. All items must neatly fit onto a page (i.e an item cannot overlap onto the next page, if it does a page break is needed). Sometimes a page can fit 3 items per page, sometimes only 1, it depends on the content (which is variable).
Can telerik reporting handle this kind of complexity and automatically create reports which do this not only for display but MOST IMPORTANTLY for printing (the client is obsessed with printing!!!!).
I have already done this bespokely but the client is obsessed with printing and I can no way of programming this kind of complexity in given the variable nature of the heights of each iterm.