My site has a spinner that shows on ajaxStart(). I want to disable this when having the ajax call coming from an endless scrolling grid. When using jquery natively and making an $.ajax() call there is a property called "global" that can be set to prevent your ajaxStart function from calling. Is there anyway to prevent the ajaxStart from calling using Kendo UI with ajax and mvc? Sample code is below.
.DataSource(d => d.Ajax().Read(r =>
r.Action("Get", "Controller")
).Filter(filters =>
filters.Add(a => a.Status).IsNotEqualTo("Test");
.Sort(sort =>
sort.Add(a => a.DisplyName).Ascending();
.Scrollable(s => s.Virtual(true))
.DataSource(d => d.Ajax().Read(r =>
r.Action("Get", "Controller")
).Filter(filters =>
filters.Add(a => a.Status).IsNotEqualTo("Test");
.Sort(sort =>
sort.Add(a => a.DisplyName).Ascending();
.Scrollable(s => s.Virtual(true))