I have an application to capture the Project Stage based on the project selected in my grid. I have 2 columns(Project and ProjectS
My Editor for Project
My editor for Project Stage:
When in add\edit mode in grid,
when user select the project type, i wanted to auto populate the project stage of the current project. How can i achieve that?
Please advise.
I have an application to capture the Project Stage based on the project selected in my grid. I have 2 columns(Project and ProjectS
>() .Name("Detail") .ToolBar(tool => { tool.Create().Text("New Project");})
.Columns(columns =>{
columns.Bound(f => f.PROJECT).Title("Project Name").ClientTemplate("#: PROJECT.PROJ_NAME #");
columns.Bound(f => f.PROJSTAGE).Title("Stage").Width(400).ClientTemplate("#: PROJSTAGE.PROJ_STAGE #");
columns.Bound(f => f.REMARK).Title("Remark");
columns.Command(commands => {commands.Edit();}); })
.Editable(e => { e.Mode(GridEditMode.InLine).DisplayDeleteConfirmation(false); })
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
.Model(m => {
m.Id(f => f.SEQ_ID);
m.Field(f => f.PROJECT).DefaultValue(ViewData["defaultProject"] as DPA.ETimelog.Models.Project);
m.Field(f => f.PROJSTAGE).DefaultValue(ViewData["defaultProjStage"] as PA.ETimelog.Models.ProjStage);
m.Field(f => f.REMARK);
.Read(read => read.Action("test_read", "Home"))
.Create(create => create.Action("test_create", "Home"))
My Editor for Project
@model object
function eProjectReadData() {
return { startDate:selectedDate.toJSON() };
Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(m => m)
.OptionLabel("-please select-")
.HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width: 200px" })
.DataSource(source => {source.Read(read =>{read.Action("GetProjectAssignedToMember", "eProject").Data("eProjectReadData");});})
My editor for Project Stage:
@model object
Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(m => m)
.OptionLabel("-please select-")
.DataSource(source =>
source.Read(read =>
{ read.Action("GetProjStage", "Home");});
When in add\edit mode in grid,
when user select the project type, i wanted to auto populate the project stage of the current project. How can i achieve that?
Please advise.