Hi all,
i want to make a ProgressDialog.
User clicks on button "Delete", then ProgressDialog opens and Progress should be shown.
This is my code for the dialog class:
The deletion progress works fine. Only the Progressbar isnt displayed.
ProgressDialog is started as a modal Dialog:
No need to check DialogResult, just for blocking thread stepping out of the using block.
Any suggestions why the ProgressBar isnt updated when function runs.
When work is completed the RadProgressBar shows the full Progress.
i want to make a ProgressDialog.
User clicks on button "Delete", then ProgressDialog opens and Progress should be shown.
This is my code for the dialog class:
Public Class ProgressDialog
Public Property MessstelleItems As New List(Of tblMessstelleVerzeichnisNeue)
Public Property ZahlerItems As New List(Of tblZahler)
Public Property MessstellenPage As MessstellenPage
Public Property ZahlerPage As ZahlerPage
Private _ctx As EnergieManagementDataContext
Public Sub New(ByVal ctx As EnergieManagementDataContext)
' This call is required by the designer.
_ctx = ctx
' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnShown(ByVal e As EventArgs)
End Sub
Private Sub DoWork()
RadProgressBar.Minimum = 0
If MessstelleItems.Count > 0 Then
RadProgressBar.Maximum = MessstelleItems.Count
For Each item In MessstelleItems
Dim index = MessstelleItems.IndexOf(item) + 1
ProgressRadLabel.Text = "Lösche Messstelle " + index.ToString() + " von " + MessstelleItems.Count.ToString()
RadProgressBar.Value1 = MessstelleItems.IndexOf(item) + 1
Dim tmp As New List(Of tblMessstelleVerzeichnisNeue)
MessstellenPage.CurrentMeasuringPoints = (From p In _ctx.tblMessstelleVerzeichnisNeues.ToList() Join r In tmp On p.MessstelleVerzeichnisID Equals r.MessstelleVerzeichnisID Select p).Distinct().ToList()
End If
End Sub
End Class
ProgressDialog is started as a modal Dialog:
Using dataContext = New EnergieManagementDataContext
Dim dlo As New DataLoadOptions()
dlo.LoadWith(Of tblMessstelleVerzeichnisVersion)(Function(r) r.tblMessstelleVerzeichnisZeiches)
dlo.LoadWith(Of tblMessstelleVerzeichnisVersion)(Function(r) r.tblMessstelleVerzeichnisMessbereiches)
dlo.LoadWith(Of tblMessstelleVerzeichnisVersion)(Function(r) r.tblMessstelleVerzeichnisStorungsbereiches)
dlo.LoadWith(Of tblMessstelleVerzeichnisVersion)(Function(r) r.tblMessstelleVerzeichnisVersionZahlerKanals)
dlo.LoadWith(Of tblMessstelleVerzeichnisVersion)(Function(r) r.tblMessstelleVerzeichnisVersionVerantwortliches)
dlo.LoadWith(Of tblMessstelleVerzeichnisVersion)(Function(r) r.tblMessstelleVerzeichnisAreal)
dlo.LoadWith(Of tblMessstelleVerzeichnisVersion)(Function(r) r.tblDokumentes)
dlo.LoadWith(Of tblMessstelleVerzeichnisVersionZahlerKanal)(Function(r) r.tblZahlerKanal)
dlo.LoadWith(Of tblZahlerKanal)(Function(r) r.tblZahlerVersion)
dataContext.LoadOptions = dlo
Dim progress As New ProgressDialog(dataContext)
items = RadGridViewMessstellen.SelectedRows.Select(Function(c) CType(c.Tag, tblMessstelleVerzeichnisNeue)).ToList()
progress.MessstellenPage = Me
progress.MessstelleItems = items
End Using
No need to check DialogResult, just for blocking thread stepping out of the using block.
Any suggestions why the ProgressBar isnt updated when function runs.
When work is completed the RadProgressBar shows the full Progress.