I'm drawing polyline objects, and when plotted I'm making them draggable. How can I get the coordinates for each point of the polyline after it's been dragged to a different location on the map?
Update: Figured it out (doh!):
MapPolygon thePolygon = item as MapPolygon;
if (thePolygon != null)
int pointCount = thePolygon.Points.Count - 1;
Debug.WriteLine("Number of Points: "+ pointCount);
Location[] locArray = thePolygon.Points.ToArray();
foreach(Location loc in locArray)
Debug.WriteLine("" + loc.Latitude.ToString());
Debug.WriteLine("" + loc.Longitude.ToString());
Update: Figured it out (doh!):
MapPolygon thePolygon = item as MapPolygon;
if (thePolygon != null)
int pointCount = thePolygon.Points.Count - 1;
Debug.WriteLine("Number of Points: "+ pointCount);
Location[] locArray = thePolygon.Points.ToArray();
foreach(Location loc in locArray)
Debug.WriteLine("" + loc.Latitude.ToString());
Debug.WriteLine("" + loc.Longitude.ToString());