Hi all,
I thought a PivotGrid would be the perfect control to show a square matrix which values can beSelected dynamically using the RadPivotFieldList. But I'm unable to understand how I should model my data to leverage the PivotGrid builtin capabilities (like filtering). I can build the model I want. What I have now is a list of object that have the following fields:
Title1 Title2 X Y Z
A A x1 y1 z1
A B x2 y2 z2
A C x3 y3 z3
B A x4 y4 z4
B B x5 y5 z5
B C x6 y6 z6
C A x7 y7 z7
C B x8 y8 z8
C C x9 y9 z9
The UI result I'm looking for is a 3x3 matrix/grid
A x1 x2 x3
B x4 x5 x6
C x7 x8 x9
Where the xi can be changed to yi and zi using the RadPivotFieldList control.
This example has only 3 different values {A, B, C} but this list is much bigger in reality, hence the filtering feature need.
- Can the Pivot Grid achieve any of this?
- If not, what is the best way to display a matrix (GridView view code behind Column management seems a bit hacky, doesn't it?)
Thanks for your help