Hi, we are working around this Telerik Reporting known limitation...
"Limited rich text/html content formatting options in the textbox item (only text formatting is available)"
...by converting the HTML generated by RadEditor into an image, then placing this image into a PictureBox control of the Telerik report.
This works OK for us except we have noticed that if the image is > 16384 pixels in height, then the Telerik online viewer shows a 1 pixel high image in place of the actual image, but appears to reserve enough blank space for the actual sized image.
Is this some kind of limitation in the PictureBox control? BTW if we export to PDF the image is rendered just fine.
"Limited rich text/html content formatting options in the textbox item (only text formatting is available)"
...by converting the HTML generated by RadEditor into an image, then placing this image into a PictureBox control of the Telerik report.
This works OK for us except we have noticed that if the image is > 16384 pixels in height, then the Telerik online viewer shows a 1 pixel high image in place of the actual image, but appears to reserve enough blank space for the actual sized image.
Is this some kind of limitation in the PictureBox control? BTW if we export to PDF the image is rendered just fine.