We are using telerik radRichTextBox. The version is 2012.3.1129.45.
1. Picture button in ribbon menu
2. Select an image file
3. Use the context menu to "Text Wrapping" and select "Square".
4. Moving the picture with the mouse pointer.
After step 4 the inserted pictures dissapers.
Somtimes it reappers when I insert another picture.
Kind regards
7 Answers, 1 is accepted
Thank you for contacting us with this issue.
Unfortunately, we were not able to reproduce it. Could you please elaborate on the problem a little more: are you able to achieve it with every image you insert or only with specific ones? We would highly appreciate if you are able to facilitate us in replicating this problem through recording a video (for example using Jing) and/or send us a sample document in .xaml format (if you think that the issue is document related). You could also give a try to our latest 2013 Q1 official release through our demos to see if the problem can be reproduced there.
Looking forward to your reply.
the Telerik team
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There is now a downloadable Jing (.swf) file that illustrates the issue with the disappearing images and text wrapping:
Also we have an issue with pasting snapshots from Acrobat Reader:
As well available as a Jing (.swf) file:
These two issues are causing our client a lot of problems and we're looking into getting some more information if there is a fix/patch available?
Kind Regards
Thank you for the follow up and the videos recorded.
We have successfully reproduced the issues and have logged them for revision. Unfortunately, there are no workarounds that we can suggest.
Please, excuse us for the inconvenience. We have added points to your account for the report. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have other questions.
the Telerik team
Explore the entire Telerik portfolio by downloading Telerik DevCraft Ultimate.

Please let us know if these two issues will be addressed in the nearby future.
Unfortunately, the issues have not been scheduled yet and therefore we cannot give you any time fame when they will be fixed. However, using the following links to our public issue tracking system, you can vote and track our progress on the matter: image disappearing and pasting snapshots issues.
Please, get back to us if you have any other questions.
Explore the entire Telerik portfolio by downloading Telerik DevCraft Ultimate.
Let me follow up by suggesting a workaround for the disappearing image issue. You could try to avoid it through setting a bottom padding of RadRichTextBox. For instance:
"0 0 0 500"
I hope this fits your case.
Explore the entire Telerik portfolio by downloading Telerik DevCraft Ultimate.

This solved the problem when moving imported and squared picture:
Let me follow up by suggesting a workaround for the disappearing image issue. You could try to avoid it through setting a bottom padding of RadRichTextBox.
For instance:<telerik:RadRichTextBox LayoutMode="Flow" Padding="0 0 0 500" />