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Pass value into ExcelTableCreated sub

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Brendan asked on 30 Apr 2013, 12:39 AM
I've read through the examples and forums and can't find an answer.  In the code below you can see that a new row is added to the spreadsheet showing the "Exported" time and date.  It is also formatted.  That works fine.

What I want to do is pass a string into the sub that can be used in the AddCustomExcelRow to describe the contents of the grid that is being exported.  Assume I have a grid showing "Top Investments".  I would like to pass that string into the sub below and use it as a new row.  I would want to pass a descriptive string from any grid I choose.  Any ideas?

Public Sub exporter_ExcelTableCreated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.WinControls.UI.Export.ExcelML.ExcelTableCreatedEventArgs)
    Dim subHeader As String = "Exported " & Now().ToString
    Dim style1 As ExcelML.SingleStyleElement = (CType(sender, ExportToExcelML)).AddCustomExcelRow(e.ExcelTableElement, 0, subHeader)
    style.FontStyle.Bold = True
    style.FontStyle.Size = 11
    style1.FontStyle.Color = Color.RoyalBlue

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answered on 02 May 2013, 01:48 PM
Hello Brendan,

You can achieve that by extending the ExportToExcelML class in the following manner:
Public Class MyExportToExcelML
    Inherits ExportToExcelML
    Private m_caption As String
    Public Sub New(grid As RadGridView)
    End Sub
    Public Property Caption() As String
            Return Me.m_caption
        End Get
            Me.m_caption = value
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

Then you can use the class in the following manner:
Dim impl As New MyExportToExcelML(Me.radGridView1)
impl.Caption = "Your caption"
AddHandler impl.ExcelTableCreated, AddressOf impl_ExcelTableCreated

Private Sub impl_ExcelTableCreated(sender As Object, e As Telerik.WinControls.UI.Export.ExcelML.ExcelTableCreatedEventArgs)
    Dim exporter As MyExportToExcelML = TryCast(sender, MyExportToExcelML)
    Dim subHeader As String = exporter.Caption
    Dim style As SingleStyleElement = DirectCast(sender, ExportToExcelML).AddCustomExcelRow(e.ExcelTableElement, 0, subHeader)
    style.FontStyle.Bold = True
    style.FontStyle.Size = 11
    style.FontStyle.Color = Color.RoyalBlue
End Sub

I hope that you find this information useful.

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answered on 02 May 2013, 05:27 PM
Thanks so much Svett.  That worked perfectly.  In case anyone is interested I found you can also add a border in the ExcelTableCreated event;

'add header row
Dim sHeader As String = exporter.Caption
'set header caption
Dim style1 As ExcelML.SingleStyleElement = DirectCast(sender, ExportToExcelML).AddCustomExcelRow(e.ExcelTableElement, 0, sHeader)
With style1
    .FontStyle.Bold = True
    .FontStyle.Size = 14
    .FontStyle.Color = Color.Blue
    .InteriorStyle.Color = Color.FromArgb(240, 240, 240)
    .InteriorStyle.Pattern = ExcelML.InteriorPatternType.Solid
End With
'add subheader row
Dim subHeader As String = "Exported " & Now().ToString
Dim style2 As ExcelML.SingleStyleElement = (CType(sender, ExportToExcelML)).AddCustomExcelRow(e.ExcelTableElement, 0, subHeader)
'create border, add to row
Dim border As ExcelML.BorderStyles = New ExcelML.BorderStyles()
border.Color = Color.Black
border.Weight = 1
border.LineStyle = ExcelML.LineStyle.Continuous
border.PositionType = ExcelML.PositionType.Bottom
With style2
    .FontStyle.Bold = True
    .InteriorStyle.Color = Color.FromArgb(240, 240, 240)
    .InteriorStyle.Pattern = ExcelML.InteriorPatternType.Solid
End With
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