I am new to Telerik Reporting. I am using Visual Studio 2008 and Telerik Reporting Q3 2008 SP2. We are using MySQL as the database backend.
I added a new report to a project and canceled out of the Wizard. I went to the report and clicked on the drop down on DataSoruce and clicked on Add Project Data Source. I choose Database and clicked Next. I already had a connection setup so I choose that and clicked on Next. I pasted a query into the query window. When I clicked on Finsh I get this error:
An unexpected error has occurred. Error Message: Fatal Error encountered during command execution.
What am I doing wrong? I had watched a video that showed you can use parameters in queries. Here is the query code.
SELECT i.incidentid, i.icr, i.committedDt, l.addressid, a.masteraddressid, trim(concat(trim(housenumber), ' ', trim(streetname), ', ', trim(city))) AS Address,
i.incidenttype, v.ReferenceType, n.NameID, n.Race, n.Gender, CONVERT(DATEDIFF(NOW(), N.DOB) / 365, signed) AS Age, ni.ReferenceTypeID
FROM analytics_location l JOIN
analytics_address a ON a.addressid = l.addressid JOIN
analytics_incident i ON i.incidentid = l.incidentid LEFT JOIN
analytics_nameinvolvement ni ON ni.incidentid = i.incidentid LEFT JOIN
analytics_name n ON n.nameid = ni.nameid LEFT JOIN
v_Analytics_NameReferenceType v ON v.referencetypeid = ni.referencetypeid
WHERE l.addressid = @AddressID OR a.masteraddressid = @AddressID
I added a new report to a project and canceled out of the Wizard. I went to the report and clicked on the drop down on DataSoruce and clicked on Add Project Data Source. I choose Database and clicked Next. I already had a connection setup so I choose that and clicked on Next. I pasted a query into the query window. When I clicked on Finsh I get this error:
An unexpected error has occurred. Error Message: Fatal Error encountered during command execution.
What am I doing wrong? I had watched a video that showed you can use parameters in queries. Here is the query code.
SELECT i.incidentid, i.icr, i.committedDt, l.addressid, a.masteraddressid, trim(concat(trim(housenumber), ' ', trim(streetname), ', ', trim(city))) AS Address,
i.incidenttype, v.ReferenceType, n.NameID, n.Race, n.Gender, CONVERT(DATEDIFF(NOW(), N.DOB) / 365, signed) AS Age, ni.ReferenceTypeID
FROM analytics_location l JOIN
analytics_address a ON a.addressid = l.addressid JOIN
analytics_incident i ON i.incidentid = l.incidentid LEFT JOIN
analytics_nameinvolvement ni ON ni.incidentid = i.incidentid LEFT JOIN
analytics_name n ON n.nameid = ni.nameid LEFT JOIN
v_Analytics_NameReferenceType v ON v.referencetypeid = ni.referencetypeid
WHERE l.addressid = @AddressID OR a.masteraddressid = @AddressID