Some performance issue.
The 'Content' property of my RadPane holds a quite complex visual tree (let's say it contains RadGridView), and I add it to the Panes ObservableCollection.
I've implemented a custom DockingPanesFactory and only overrided the AddPane method. Not something special, it's almost like your example here:
I've noticed that adding of pane to the visual tree by Panes.Add(pane) that invoke the AddPane of the DockingPanesFactory takes something like 400ms.
Same for the Remove method. It's relevant also for DragStart when undocking this "heavy" pane, what happens is, the ToolWindow for this floating pane appears after a second or two, and the user holds the left mouse button down with no ToolWindow below the mouse cursor, and as I said only after 1-2 seconds the ToolWindow appears.
My Content property holds a ViewModel that has a DataTemplate targeted to it by "TargetType" property of the DataTemplate. The DataTemplate consist of a View that has a RadGridView ....
It's not reasonable that the whole pane appears only after its content added to the visual tree. I want to make the Pane to appear and let the content to load afterwards, Especially regarding the ToolWindow, because the user don't have any indication that the ToolWindow takes time to appear.
BTW, I've disabled the animations... you know, by....
<telerikDock:RadDocking telerik:AnimationManager.AnimationSelector="{x:Null}"
Please, help me here to achieve my goal.