I'm testing out Kendo grid for .net core razor.
.Pageable(pager => pager
.Messages(messages => messages.Display("Records from {0} to {1} of {2}"))
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(column => column.Id);
columns.Bound(column => column.StreetAddress);
columns.Bound(column => column.City);
columns.Bound(column => column.Zip);
columns.Bound(column => column.Id).ClientTemplate("<input type='button' class='k-button' onclick=\"location.href='./AddressEdit/#=Id#'\" value='Edit' />")
.Title(" ");
.DataSource(ds => ds
For some reason the paging information below always has style display:none when inspecting the source. Is there a setting to make it visible?
<span class="k-pager-info k-label" style="display: none;">Records from 41 to 60 of 200</span>