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Page number in footer

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William asked on 23 Jul 2013, 02:59 PM
My footer has for value "Page " + PageNumber + " of " + PageCount.

When the report is rendered into a docx file the footer converts to Page 1 of 1.  This would be fine except when the document is edited which forces a second page.  The second page now also has Page 1 of 1.  Is there a way to force the formula "Page " + PageNumber + " of " + PageCount to the docx instead of the literal text.

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Telerik team
answered on 26 Jul 2013, 12:18 PM
Hi William,

Thank you for the provided information. Currently this scenario is not supported but you can rest assured that we will certainly consider for implementation any functionality that brings values to Telerik Reporting.

Please note that you can further process the exported word document by using a third party library for example.


Have you tried the new visualization options in Telerik Reporting Q2 2013? You can get them from your account.

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