I am using Telerik Reporting Q1 2008. Dll version -
There are many pages in the report.
The first page page number is displaying - Page 1 of 0.
From the second page onwards, the display is correct. i.e Page 2 of 24, Page 3 of 24 and so on.
= PageNumber + ' of ' + PageCount is what I am using as footer text.
How to rectify Page 1 of 0 error.
12 Answers, 1 is accepted
You can resolve the problem by upgrading to the latest version - Telerik Reporting Q2 2009 SP1.
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I upgraded to latest telerik version Q2 2009 SP 1. But when I remove my old dll for telerik.reporting and add new Telerik.Reporting.dll as reference to the reporting project, I am getting these kind of errors.
1. The type 'Telerik.Reporting.Processing.TextBox' exists in both 'c:\Program Files\telerik\Reporting Q2 2009\Bin\Telerik.Reporting.dll' and 'c:\Program Files\telerik\Reporting Q1 2008\Bin\Telerik.Reporting.Processing.dll'
2. Property or indexer 'Telerik.Reporting.Processing.TextBox.Text' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only
If I use my old dll ( I am not getting any kind of errors like this. What to do?
Both errors are due to changes in Telerik Reporting:
- The error message is pretty clear. We have reduced the number of assemblies since Q2 2009 and now there is no Telerik.Reporting.Processing.dll anymore - it is merged into Telerik.Reporting.dll. If you're getting this error, it means that you have not removed old reporting references - note that you should reference only Q2 SP1 assemblies (version and also make sure you do not have old assemblies in the bin folder of your web application.
- This error message is correct as well. The textBox.Text property cannot be assigned to because it no longer has a setter - please use the Value property instead. The Value property would contain the expression you have set, while the Text property would contain the result of that evaluated expression (i.e. read only).
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and i want display the page numbers from 3rd page, like 1st nad 2nd pages shows nothing from 3rd page shows like 3 of 10 and 4th page like 4 of 10.
can you please give me solution for this issue, thanks in advance
Upgrade to Q3 2011 SP1 or later where this problem has been fixed.
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here is the issue: i want display the page numbers from 3rd page, like 1st nad 2nd pages shows nothing,from 3rd page shows like 3 of 10 and 4th page like 4 of 10.
Thanks in Advance
but i got bunch of warnings on report like :
Warning 2 'Telerik.Reporting.Data.Filter' is obsolete: 'Class Telerik.Reporting.Data.Filter is now obsolete. Please use Telerik.Reporting.Filter instead.'
Can i replace with "Telerik.Reporting.Filter" like warning mentioned,
Thanks in Advance
For the pages you can use an expression like this:
= IIF(PageNumber<3, "", "Pages " + PageNumber + " of " + PageCount)
As to the filter, you should be able to change your report to use the new Filter class with no problems.
Kind regards,
the Telerik team
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can u explain briefly
i got like this :
formattingRule1.Filters.AddRange(new Telerik.Reporting.Data.Filter[] {
new Telerik.Reporting.Data.Filter("=Fields.ERROR_FINDING_DESC", Telerik.Reporting.Data.FilterOperator.NotEqual, "= \" \"")});
at Bold Letters fields got the warning like:
'Telerik.Reporting.Data.Filter' is obsolete: 'Class Telerik.Reporting.Data.Filter is now obsolete. Please use Telerik.Reporting.Filter instead.'
thanks in Advance.
Delete the "Data" part from the code i.e.:
should be
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Do u have any Solution for theses also:
Warning 1 'Telerik.Reporting.SubReport.Parameters' is obsolete: 'The Parameters property is now obsolete. Please use the ReportSource.Parameters property instead.'
Thanks in Advance
The warning message is pretty straight-forward. If you place a SubReport item in a report you would notice it no longer has a Parameters property. The Parameters property is now moved to the ReportSource, so select a report source for the SubReport item and you would be able to setup parameters as well for that report source (see screenshot).
Kind regards,
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