I just upgraded to 2009 q2 sp1.
It seems like the page header in the web viewer is always displayed even if I set visible = false to the header.
When exporting the report (from the web viewer) to PDF or RTf the page header does not appear.
We have not been able to reproduce such an issue (see attached), so we would appreciate if you modify our report or provide us with a report that exhibits the problem.
I can't find a way to upload a file.
Add a TextBox to the page header set it also as visible = false.
Also I'm targeting .net 3.5 and using 2009 Q2 sp1. When opening your project I got both the visual studio converting the project to target .net 3.5 and your wizard to upgrade the report to the sp1.
If you add the TextBox and upgrade you should see the problem.
Telerik team
answered on 11 Aug 2009, 09:00 AM
Hi Naphtali,
Please excuse me for the confusion - indeed I was able to reproduce the issue with the latest version when adding a textbox to the page header. I've logged the issue in our bug tracking system and we would research what is happening immediately.
Your Telerik points have been updated for bringing this to our attention.