Page Break on reportHeaderSection?

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Raniel asked on 20 Oct 2021, 06:38 AM
Hello, I'm new to Telerik Report Server. I am using a Standalone Report Designer. In my case, I didn't put the reports inside the detail section instead I put it in reportHeaderSection (Am I doing it right or should I put in detailSection?). Now that I generated the masterlist report table(where it shows all the members), I'm having a problem coz the masterlist has  11,000+ rows which will make the page so slow. What I want is to split it so that only maybe 100 rows will show up on the first page, on 2nd page continuation with 100 rows again,  and so on till the end of the table.... How should I set the pagebreak here? coz I tried the sources that I found on the documentation and other members raising questions regarding on pagebreak but I didn't succeed, please enlighten me. 
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commented on 20 Oct 2021, 06:41 AM | edited


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answered on 22 Oct 2021, 11:50 AM

Hi Raniel,

In the Table/Crosstab/List item you may force page breaks on table groups - see the property TableGroup.PageBreak.

That said, you need to create a group in the table and set the 'PageBreak', for example, to 'After'. You may use the Group Explorer of the Report Designer. If you need to display a certain number (e.g. 100) of records per page, I suggest introducing a zero-based integer indexing field (e.g. "Index') and grouping by '=Fields.Index/100'.

Note also that the paging will be generated automatically when previewing in the PrintPreview mode of the viewer or designer. This view mode is with physical pagination and takes into account the PageSettings of the report. Therefore, the table will be split into pages based on the content that can be accommodated on one physical page. The default Interactive view mode is with soft pagination and ignores PageSettings. For that reason, a table without explicit page breaks is displayed on a single page in this mode.

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commented on 12 Nov 2021, 07:53 AM

Thanks, it solved the problem. 
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