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page break for group

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Hoang asked on 15 Sep 2017, 03:17 AM


We need to know if there is any workaround for printing each Table Group on New page. Basically our Report Datasource is already bind and having Group with setting Page Break After in Group Footer.  Report contains a Table having different Datasource also having Grouping. Now it is required that each Table Group should appear on next Page addition to existing Report group. 

Please advise any way to address the requirement...


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Telerik team
answered on 19 Sep 2017, 12:36 PM
Hello Hoang,

Page breaks can be inserted using PageBreak property which is supported by the report sections only. Table(CrossTab) item does not support it.
The Table item will break on pages according to the report's PageSettings, the size of the report sections/items and KeepTogether/PageBreak settings. For more detailed information about paging behavior check Understanding Pagination help article.

To be able to control page breaks, you can replace the Table item with separate TextBox items arranged in a similar layout and set the PageBreak property of Group Header(Group Footer) sections.

Another approach is to combine several reports each containing a table into a ReportBook. Each report in a ReportBook will start on a new page.

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answered on 16 Jan 2019, 08:21 AM
Can't I add a pageBreak before the subReport? I've tried adding it to the testReport but with no luck.
Telerik team
answered on 21 Jan 2019, 08:04 AM
Hi George,

I noticed that you've opened a new forum post question on the same topic and provided more details there:
But for our community, I'll post my answer here as well:

"It is best to avoid creating the reports dynamically. Due to the complex nature of the reports modifying its definition manually can lead to errors due to missing properties, incorrect positioning of the elements etc.
More considerations on this topic are provided in Modifying or Creating a report at Run-Time KB article.

Based on the information and the code snippet, it seems that the sub report areas overlaps with the master report areas as the report items in sub report are having hard-coded positions that are not considered with the layout of the master report.

To see which items overlap, you can serialize the report definition after it is created programmatically. This will allow opening the report created programmatically in the Report Designer, check its layout and see which items' properties need to be modified at run-time.

When report items are added dynamically it is harder to layout them correctly and position of each item must be calculated very carefully. In the Report Designer, you can see where each item is positioned and overlapping areas will be marked with an exclamation mark.

To provide you further suggestions, we would need to check the report definitions of report and sub report together with the custom code used for creating sub report.
Please attach a runnable demo reproducing the problematic output so we can test it locally."

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