We are working on a web site using telerik reporting q1 2013 trial version our client will purchase its license for us.
But we have some requirement which client and we want to be clear telerik supports or not.
The Requirement is we have *.trdx telerik report file designed using telerik report designer and displayed in web site using report viewer.
Now client can edit this *.trdx report and save on server
Now my question
1) is this possible using telerik reporting technologies to online edit report in design mode and save again?
2) If not online than is this possible using telerik report designer to update *.trdx and after doing changes in report save it on server directly from telerik report designer.
Please help me out.
So that we can create demo for client and want to make sure that this requirement may be fulfilled by Telerik reporting q1 2013 or with telerik report designer standalone.
We are working on a web site using telerik reporting q1 2013 trial version our client will purchase its license for us.
But we have some requirement which client and we want to be clear telerik supports or not.
The Requirement is we have *.trdx telerik report file designed using telerik report designer and displayed in web site using report viewer.
Now client can edit this *.trdx report and save on server
Now my question
1) is this possible using telerik reporting technologies to online edit report in design mode and save again?
2) If not online than is this possible using telerik report designer to update *.trdx and after doing changes in report save it on server directly from telerik report designer.
Please help me out.
So that we can create demo for client and want to make sure that this requirement may be fulfilled by Telerik reporting q1 2013 or with telerik report designer standalone.