Hi Admin,
Is it possible to pass the object datasource outside a report and then inside the constructor of the report there is a parameters for that datasource which will be used by the report? Is that possible using Type Resource Report? I am using asp .net MVC
also is it possible to pass an object or data table inside the TypeReportSource parameter?
something like this
public ActionResult Index()
var organisation = _organisationLogic.GetOrganisation();
var typeReportSource = new TypeReportSource()
TypeName = typeof(OrganisationReportSample).AssemblyQualifiedName
var sample = new Sample();
var samples = new DataTable();
samples = sample.GetReportData();
typeReportSource.Parameters.Add(new Parameter("samples", samples));
return View(typeReportSource);
I am passing a data table inside the Report constructor and will use it like this..
public OrganisationReportSample(DataTable samples)
// Required for telerik Reporting designer support
// TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call
this.DataSource = samples;
is this possible or not?