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Object datasouce binding in reporting (xml content)

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krishna surapaneni
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krishna surapaneni asked on 27 Aug 2010, 06:49 AM
Hi telerik,

I have xml content in my database, How can i access it in my object datasource, in telerik reporting?
i can deserialise the xml into list of objects, and then i want to set it as object data source dynamically. if possible Please provide me any references on this..

Thanks & regards

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Telerik team
answered on 30 Aug 2010, 08:00 AM
Hello Krishna,

You have a couple of options:

  1. (recommended) Create a typed DataSet from your XML. For more information on the typed DataSets please see here. Once you have the DataSet ready, run the Report Wizard and it will appear in the list of the available data sources; select it and follow the instructions of the wizard.
  2. Load the XML into a DataSet programmatically. Use the DataSet.ReadXml method to load the XML data into a DataSet and then pass it to the Report.DataSource property. The disadvantage of this approach is that the schema of the report's data source won't be available at the design time. This means that the Report Wizard won't be of any help. Anyway you still can create a report without it. You can use the Visual Studio Toolbox to select from the available items. For more information please see Designing Reports.

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krishna surapaneni
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