With the following code I'm not getting the pdfviewer working:
<telerik:RadPdfViewer Name="PdfViewer" />
byte[] readAllBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:/Temp/Invoicer.Data/Rechnungsscans/K4967.pdf");
var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(readAllBytes);
this.PdfViewer.DocumentSource = new PdfDocumentSource(memoryStream, FormatProviderSettings.ReadAllAtOnce);
I'm using the version 2013.2.724.40. Passing the filename hard-coded in the xaml code also not works! Can someone give an hint??
<telerik:RadPdfViewer Name="PdfViewer" />
byte[] readAllBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:/Temp/Invoicer.Data/Rechnungsscans/K4967.pdf");
var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(readAllBytes);
this.PdfViewer.DocumentSource = new PdfDocumentSource(memoryStream, FormatProviderSettings.ReadAllAtOnce);
I'm using the version 2013.2.724.40. Passing the filename hard-coded in the xaml code also not works! Can someone give an hint??