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not properly saving the word formats using _telerikReportViewerModel.SelectedRenderingExtension prperty

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Sharan asked on 10 Oct 2011, 08:41 PM
hi Team,

we are using telerik reporting for generating reports and saving the reports in different formats such as ms-word, excel, cvs etc.,
one scenario is failing for us when user saves a file name as filename.x (x be any character). for example when he select a report and exports it as word and in the save dialog box if he gives the name as 'report.1' it is not saving as word format and user unable to open this. please let me know how to handle this. following is the code snippet :


private void CbSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.AddedItems.Count == 1)
var selection = e.Audited[0] as ExtensionInfo;
if (selection != null )
_telerikReportViewerModel.SelectedRenderingExtension = selection;
//clear selection
((ComboBox) sender).SelectedItem = null;






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