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no out put when published

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Robins asked on 29 Jun 2009, 12:50 PM

When I tried to run a web site in IIS (developed for testing Telerik Report) as described in this tutorial : Deploying Web Sites, created on a development machine, there is no out put.
when I run the application in Visual Studio, Icould see the Reports but not when published.
Is it because of trial version...?

Any help would be greatly appreciated


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answered on 30 Jun 2009, 08:29 AM
Hello Robins,

If you have used the Report Wizard to create the report on your dev machine, this means that the connectionString is contained withing the automatically generated DataSetTableAdapter. This means that you would have to either change it by hand to match the correct connectionString on your live server or control the connectionString in some other manner e.g. through the applications config file (web.config for Web app/sites and app.config for windows forms apps).
You can do that easily from our report wizard, by using the "Save the Connection String" dialog, which automatically creates app.config and settings file containing the needed attributes. Then all you need to do is change the connectionString at a single location before deploying your project.

Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team

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