I am learning how to wire up a new row with my backing data source list. In and of itself, straightforward enough, the objects constituting the backing list need to have a parameterless constructor. Simple enough.
Now for the twist. I have an architecture in the view that wires up some bbv EventBroker events, which ordinarily (ideally, preferred) wire up through a Ninject Dependency Injection Kernel OnActivation, I register some pub/sub events to route communication between objects behind the scenes.
So... Is it possible for me to wire up the RadGridView object-factory (object-provider? -context?) in such a way that I can factory-create the object(s) backing the row(s) being created?
Thank you once again for the rich UX API, and thank you...
Michael Powell
I am learning how to wire up a new row with my backing data source list. In and of itself, straightforward enough, the objects constituting the backing list need to have a parameterless constructor. Simple enough.
Now for the twist. I have an architecture in the view that wires up some bbv EventBroker events, which ordinarily (ideally, preferred) wire up through a Ninject Dependency Injection Kernel OnActivation, I register some pub/sub events to route communication between objects behind the scenes.
So... Is it possible for me to wire up the RadGridView object-factory (object-provider? -context?) in such a way that I can factory-create the object(s) backing the row(s) being created?
Thank you once again for the rich UX API, and thank you...
Michael Powell