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Navigation in RadSpreadsheet

4 Answers 172 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
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Joy asked on 14 May 2014, 07:01 PM

I have a requirement where user should be able to traverse through the spreadsheet columns vertically using only Tab or Enter Key.
For ex: If I have entered some value in column1, cell 1, when I press Tab, focus should move on to the next cell in the same column1. and I should be able to keep doing this for, suppose, next 1000 rows.  Then I would like to start on column2, cell1, and do the same traversal using Tab key or Enter key and so on.
So my question is how do I capture the tab key press event or enter key press event and move the focus on to the next cell below the current cell ( not the cell on the right side)  for data entry ?

I would really appreciate the quick response.
Thank you.

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Nikolay Demirev
Telerik team
answered on 15 May 2014, 07:47 AM
Hello Jyotsna,

The RadSpreadsheet provides a simple way to bind a key to a command. The following example shows how using the Enter key to set the cell style to "Bad".

this.radSpreadsheet.ActiveSheetEditorChanged += this.RadSpreadsheet_ActiveSheetEditorChanged;
private void RadSpreadsheet_ActiveSheetEditorChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    RadWorksheetEditor worksheetEditor = this.radSpreadsheet.ActiveWorksheetEditor;
    if (this.radSpreadsheet.ActiveWorksheetEditor != null)
        worksheetEditor.KeyBindings.RegisterCommand(worksheetEditor.Commands.SetStyleCommand, Key.Enter, ModifierKeys.None, "Bad");

Please bear in mind that if there is already key binding assigned to that key it will be replaced with the new one.

I hope this helps. Feel free to write back if you have any further questions.

Nikolay Demirev
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answered on 15 May 2014, 06:48 PM
Thanks very much Nikolay for the quick reply. It really helped me moving into the right direction to solve the problem.
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answered on 25 Feb 2017, 01:24 PM
Hello, regarding this issue, the provided solution works only if you are not in edit mode. After you edit a cell and hit Enter, the command is no longer fired. Is there a workaround for this case ?
Telerik team
answered on 27 Feb 2017, 06:00 PM
Hi Dragos,

I just replied the support thread you have submitted. Let's continue our conversation there to keep it consistent. Thank you for understanding.

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Nikolay Demirev
Telerik team
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