I'm very new to the visual studio environment and telerik controls. I'm using a Gridview with bound data and I need to navigate through all the data rows. Basically I need to read the value of the second value to make a secuential process.
I know that it's a very simple task but as a novice I haven't found how to do it. I'm using Windows 7 with Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate.
I need also to write on the third column some custom values from me. I can do that?
I'm very new to the visual studio environment and telerik controls. I'm using a Gridview with bound data and I need to navigate through all the data rows. Basically I need to read the value of the second value to make a secuential process.
private void LlenarRestaurantes () {
SqlDataReader dr ;
SqlCommand cmd;
string Sqlstring;
Sqlstring = " SELECT '(' + rtrim(RE.sNumeroRestaurante) + ') ' + RE.sNombreRestaurante as RESTAURANTE,"
+ "'\\' + rtrim (RE.sServidorDatos) + '\\Cambios\\' as [RUTA DE ENVIO] , 'SIN PROCESAR' as RESULTADO "
+ " FROM amRestaurantes AS RE INNER JOIN"
+ " CambioRecetaRestaurante AS CR ON RE.sNumeroRestaurante = CR.sCodigoRestaurante"
+ " WHERE (CR.sConsecutivo = '" + lblNumeroDeCambio.Text + "')";
cmd = new SqlCommand (Sqlstring , db);
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader () ;
gvRestaurantes.DataSource = dr;
I know that it's a very simple task but as a novice I haven't found how to do it. I'm using Windows 7 with Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate.
I need also to write on the third column some custom values from me. I can do that?