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MVC HTML5 Report view hanging

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Graham asked on 21 Jan 2014, 03:57 PM

In other projects I have had no problems using the HTML5 Report viewer extension for MVC but I can not implement it in my current project.

The page containing the report viewer displays "loading.." in the top left corner but the report is never loaded.

I have debugged the application with Fiddler and Firebug but can see no errors.

The report service (Web API) controller is never called which is probably the root cause.

Comparing Fiddler traces between applications where reporting works and the application with the problem shows that the call

http://localhost:34639/ReportViewer/templates/telerikReportViewerTemplate.html is never made

Does anybody have any suggestions on how to debug this problem.

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answered on 22 Jan 2014, 09:08 PM
Hello Graham,

This is quote from your support ticket on the same question:

"...double-check the steps listed in the How-to: Using HTML5 Report Viewer extension in an ASP.NET MVC4 application help article and compare project files to our local MvcDemo project, which is installed by default under C:\Program Files (x86)\Telerik\Reporting Q3 2013\Examples\CSharp\MvcDemo."


New HTML5/JS REPORT VIEWER with MOBILE AND TOUCH SUPPORT available in Telerik Reporting Q3 2013! Get the new Reporting version from your account or download a trial.

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