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MVC- send report with input parameters by email as attachement

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Leo asked on 16 Apr 2013, 08:09 AM


I put the telerik report viewer in a WebForm page and have integrated it into a MVC project to show any report designed by the designer(any .trdx file, and i don't what kind of input parametes will be included in the report).

Now I am trying to add the feature sending report as attachment by email.  While doing that, I pop up a kendo UI window to allow user input receivers' email addresses (with kendo UI Mutiselect control). 

The problem is that I found there is no way to get the Telerik report view control in my ajax submitted function to generate the report. I took a look at the article
 and know how to send telerik report by email, but what if the report has input parameters and user input that in the page and then want to send that report? how to set the parameters if i have no idea on what kind of parameters can be.

Can any one give me some suggestion on how to make it or provide a better solution? I am puzzled by calling between MVC and WebForm...


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Telerik team
answered on 18 Apr 2013, 05:01 PM
Hello Leo,

You will have to access the processing Report Parameters instead of what you are doing currently. To do so you will need to use ItemDataBinding of the report and get the parameter values from the sender which is the report.

However please note that this is not advisable and it will be better if you implement your own mechanism for collecting user data, such as the mentioned Kendo multiselect, and not to use the report parameters for collecting user input that you and not the report is responsible of.

All the best,
the Telerik team

Have you tried the new visualization options in Telerik Reporting Q1 2013? You can get them from your account.

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