I am using UI for ASP.NET MVC Q2 2014.
In the attached project, I am using editor template "EventEditor". In this, I have 2 dropdown and 1 multiselect.
The dropdown is working correctly, however multiselect is NOT working. I do NOT get values in the kendogrid Update/Create (Insert methof of Events Controller). I just get count and the values in the list are null. I tried using int (for Id) and also string but nothing worked correctly.
I also have used .Data("Serialize") but no help..
Please solve my request at the earliest.
In the attached project, I am using editor template "EventEditor". In this, I have 2 dropdown and 1 multiselect.
The dropdown is working correctly, however multiselect is NOT working. I do NOT get values in the kendogrid Update/Create (Insert methof of Events Controller). I just get count and the values in the list are null. I tried using int (for Id) and also string but nothing worked correctly.
I also have used .Data("Serialize") but no help..
Please solve my request at the earliest.