I have to create a report which contains multiple subreports. These subreports are added dynamically at runtime. Everything was going ok till the render time. For some reasons the subreport which is not fit in the current page is displayed on the next page but it is not completed displayed. I understand the fact that if it cannot be displayed in the current page it is displayed on the next one but I cannot understand why it is partially displayed.
For example if a want to display the same report 10 times and on the first page we cand display only 3 of them, the forth one is displayed on the second page but with the same size. Actually the size of the first subreport + the size of free space on the first page get the normal size of the fourth report.
This is a code snipped for what I want to do(If you want I can send you a sample application but I can't attach files):
Color[] srColors = new Color[]
{ Color.Red,
Color.Violet } ;
for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++)
SubReport sr = new SubReport();
sr.ReportSource = new ColorReport(srColors[i%7]);
sr.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
Thanks in advance,
I have to create a report which contains multiple subreports. These subreports are added dynamically at runtime. Everything was going ok till the render time. For some reasons the subreport which is not fit in the current page is displayed on the next page but it is not completed displayed. I understand the fact that if it cannot be displayed in the current page it is displayed on the next one but I cannot understand why it is partially displayed.
For example if a want to display the same report 10 times and on the first page we cand display only 3 of them, the forth one is displayed on the second page but with the same size. Actually the size of the first subreport + the size of free space on the first page get the normal size of the fourth report.
This is a code snipped for what I want to do(If you want I can send you a sample application but I can't attach files):
Color[] srColors = new Color[]
{ Color.Red,
Color.Violet } ;
for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++)
SubReport sr = new SubReport();
sr.ReportSource = new ColorReport(srColors[i%7]);
sr.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
Thanks in advance,