It seems that when I multi-selct two or more appointments and drag them, I still end up with appointments residing at the old and new positions. Works just fine dragging one appointment around. Bug?
I've tried to reproduce this issue in our online examples but without much success, I've attached a short video to show my attempt. Am I missing something? Can you send us more details which will help us reproduce the problem?
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the Telerik team
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If it helps, I have a custom appointment object and I use a custom DragDropBehavior that ovverides the ConvertDraggedData method. Maybe that's the difference? Can you try doing that and see if you can duplcate?
I checked the project from this thread with the MetrixTaskAppointments, but still wasn't able to reproduce the described issue. Can you open a support ticket and send us a simple project demonstrating the problem? Thanks in advance
All the best,
the Telerik team
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